Start from the middle poles and work outwards as this will help with stability. Assemble the central upright pole and connect the central roof strut, feeding it through and material loops in the roof, or into any spreader pads, tensioning it lightly against the caravan wall.

Now add a cross strut along one half of the front wall, and couple it to an end vertical pole, finally connecting an end roof pole in the same manner as the central roof pole. Repeat this for the opposite front wall, corner pole and other end roof pole. Insert any short roof valance poles, before tensioning of the roof. You may need to use the caravan step to reach the roof.

The basic structure will now be free standing, so now is the time to zip in any panels removed earlier for ease of assembly. Larger awnings may require additional roof and vertical poles to be utilised, so these should all be fitted now.

The awning can now be pegged down, before final tensioning of the whole frame, and adding the guy ropes, and any storm straps provided. It is always easier for two people to erect an awning, but strategically placed guy ropes can be used as a third hand, if you are working alone, or there is a slight breeze.

Ensure that the awning channel is clean whenever you wash the caravan and it is a good idea to lubricate it with furniture polish or silicone spray. This will make it easier to slide the awning bead through. Be careful however, never to spray the awning as this could damage the material.